Physical activity was once hardwired into most children’s daily lives. They walked to and from school, ran at recess, took gym class, and played outside with neighborhood friends for hours before dinner.
But today, many kids lead more sedentary lives. They ride to school in cars and buses and have fewer opportunities for movement during the school day. Afternoons are filled with TV, video games, and the internet.
Given this reality, it’s no wonder that fewer than half of all kids get the 60 minutes of daily physical activity recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — and that the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled over the past 30 years.
Let’s Move! Active Schools is a national initiative that works to increase physical activity opportunities for K – 12 students. It created the infographic below to make it easier for schools and families to find the resources and tools they need to get kids moving.
To use it, start by clicking on the area you’d like to explore: Physical Education, Physical Activity During School, Physical Activity Before and After School, Staff Involvement, or Family and Community Engagement. Next, select the type of resources you want, and review the list of links and tools that appears.
Try out the Let’s Move! Active Schools infographic.