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Resources on the Importance of Safe Drinking Water in Schools

Drinking water is essential to health — and the availability of safe and free drinking water is essential to student success.

New resources are available to help spread the important message that accessible drinking water in schools is vital.

Check out these flyers produced by the National Drinking Water Alliance. Perhaps they will inspire you and others in your community or school to take action and make drinking water a priority.

Drinking Water Safety in Schools (PDF)
Healthy Hydration (PDF)
Effective Access to Water in Schools (PDF)








The National Drinking Water Alliance works to ensure that all children in the U.S. can drink safe water in the places where they live, learn and play. Through strategic actions in the areas of research, policy, safety, access, and education, the Alliance encourages more people to drink water more often, and tap water whenever possible.

These fact sheets were supported by funding provided by Kaiser Permanente. The contents are solely the responsibility of the National Drinking Water Alliance and do not necessarily represent the official views of Kaiser Permanente.

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